1. Can you get random exotics from lost sectors?
Yes, you can get random exotics from Lost Sectors. Each Guardian class has Lost Sector-exclusive Exotics across each armor type. Some of the Exotics that can drop from Hunter Lost Sectors include Blight Ranger, Mask of Bakris, and Cyrtarachne’s Facade.
2. What do you get from lost sectors?
When you clear a Lost Sector, you can unlock a chest that contains various rewards. These rewards include Glimmer, at least one piece of equipment, and a Token for that specific planet.
3. Do master Lost Sectors drop better exotics?
No, Master Lost Sectors do not have a higher chance of dropping better exotics compared to Legend Lost Sectors. In fact, it is statistically better to farm Legend Lost Sectors for Exotics.
4. Are Lost Sectors worth farming?
Lost Sectors, particularly Legend Lost Sectors, are worth farming if you want to unlock exotic armor. However, farming them to get exotics with better stats is not recommended.
5. 93 Hours and 1600 Legendary Lost Sectors Later…
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6. How often do exotics drop from Lost Sectors?
The drop rate for exotics in Lost Sectors depends on the difficulty level. In Legendary Lost Sectors, killing all Champions gives you approximately a 25% chance of getting an Exotic. In Master Lost Sectors, the chance increases to 33%.
7. Do legendary Lost Sectors give random exotics?
Yes, you can get any Exotic to drop from a Legendary Lost Sector. However, the drop rate is weighted to give you Exotics that you don’t already have. You may first receive Lost Sector-exclusive Exotics before expanding your pool further.
8. Can you get assassins cowl from Lost Sectors?
No, Assassins Cowl is not a Lost Sector-exclusive Exotic. It is tied to the Shadowkeep campaign and can drop like any other exotic helmet once you own the Shadowkeep DLC and have completed the campaign.
9. Are lost sector exotics guaranteed?
No, Exotic drops are not guaranteed from finishing Lost Sectors, even from Legend Lost Sectors. There is a chance that you may have to revisit the Lost Sector multiple times to receive the Exotic you desire.
10. Is it worth it to run Master Lost sectors?
Running Master Lost Sectors is not recommended, unless you are trying to complete specific triumphs. Legend Lost Sectors are faster and have a 25% drop rate for Exotics, compared to the 33% drop rate in Master Lost Sectors.
11. Can you get exotics from lost sectors without DLC?
No, you need to own the related DLC in order to get the Exotics from Lost Sectors. For example, you need Witch Queen DLC for Osmiomancy Gloves and Beyond Light DLC for Necrotic Grips.
12. What drops from legendary Lost Sectors?
Exotic Armor that can drop from legendary Lost Sectors include Cyrtarachne’s Facade (Hunter Helmet), Speedloader’s Slacks (Hunter Legs), Cadmus Ridge Lancecap (Titan Helmet), Abeyant Leap (Titan Legs), Ballidorse Wrathweavers (Warlock Arms), and Swarmers (Warlock Legs).
13. Can you farm daily Lost Sectors for exotics?
Yes, you can farm daily Lost Sectors for exotics. However, the drop is limited to the specific armor slot highlighted for that day. If you have the exotic helmet in the highlighted slot already unlocked, it will have a higher chance of dropping. To unlock new exotics, you need to unlock all the exotic pieces in the same slot.
14. Do master dungeons have higher exotic drop rate?
No, the drop rate for exotics in master dungeons does not increase compared to other difficulties. The only case where the drop rate may be higher is if there is a related Triumph that boosts exotic drop chances, but this applies to all difficulties.
15. What are the odds of getting a raid exotic?
The drop rate for raid exotics, including Conditional Finality, is approximately 5%.
16. Do killing champions matter in Lost Sectors?
Yes, killing Champions matters in Lost Sectors. They are the main threats in these Lost Sectors, and killing them is crucial to gain Platinum rewards for the highest chance of earning an Exotic. Each type of Champion requires a different strategy to defeat.
17. What is the easiest lost sector master?
Veles Labyrinth in the Cosmodrome is arguably the easiest Lost Sector to complete on the master difficulty. With the right loadout and strategy, you can clear this mission in a few minutes.
18. What is the best lost sector to farm destiny?
The Veles Labyrinth Lost Sector in the Cosmodrome is considered the best Lost Sector to farm in Destiny 2. It is fast and can be completed in two minutes or less on the legend difficulty, making it an efficient option for farming.
19. Is destiny 2 worth in 2023?
Yes, Destiny 2 is still worth playing in 2023. It is one of the best shooters on the market and offers a vast amount of content with continuous live-service support. The game is at its climax, and there are still more adventures awaiting players in the future.
20. What to do in destiny 2 without DLC 2023?
Without DLC in 2023, there are still several activities you can engage in Destiny 2. These activities include the New Light Questline and Guardian Rank Onboarding, Vanguard Strikes Playlist, most Crucible Playlists, Gambit, Seasonal Events, the Prophecy Dungeon, and Raids such as Vault of Glass and King’s Fall.
21. What is the hardest master Lost Sector?
The Extraction Lost Sector in the Throne World is considered the hardest master Lost Sector. It features a difficult defense section and multiple Overload Chieftains, making it a challenging encounter.
22. Do all Lost Sectors give exotics?
No, not all Lost Sectors give exotics. The drop rate for exotics in Lost Sectors is not guaranteed, and you may need to run multiple times to receive the desired exotic.